Am I ready to hand in my Masters in Human Sciences?
🎓 The deadline is approaching: are you ready to hand in your Masters in Human Sciences?
Here we are !
The deadline for submitting your university masterpiece is looming dangerously close. Your Master’s in Humanities is supposed to reflect months of hard work, endless reading sessions, hours in the library, and an unhealthy amount of coffee consumed... But let’s be honest, it’s looking more like a last-minute dash to the finish line. (Hello, fellow insomniacs 👋)
August is drawing to a close, and instead of pages where your brilliant ideas should shine 🌡, you’re staring at a mess. Surprise! Satisfaction took an early holiday, leaving behind the sinking feeling of a disaster 😰. Fun, right?
How many Master’s projects sadly end their summer, abandoned to shaky writing, incoherent texts piling up, silently awaiting the dreaded viva? 😱
⏳ Time, the betrayer...
When writing turns into a frantic sprint, it’s hard to stay calm. You know things aren’t perfect. The structure? Not so logical after all. The headings? Hmm, not exactly punchy. And the referencing? Let’s not even go there. But… no time to turn back now.
📚 And the appendices?
Ah, the appendices, that wonderful chaos. Sources scattered everywhere, a bibliography with missing page numbers, figures that don’t match the text, and blurry photos without copyright. Oops! At this point, it’s practically an archaeological dig. Or perhaps a publishing crime.
🖋️ Stylistic chaos?
Sentences that make no sense, verb tenses out of control, phrases that follow one another like beads on a string with no connection. No punctuation, repetitive vocabulary, and words that make your head spin by the third mention. Oh, and let’s not forget the sneaky copy-paste or the (overly?) subtle help from ChatGPT. Yes, I see you chatchatchatgpt...👀 🤥.
😅 The jury, the unsung heroes... 👻
Spare a thought for the jury members, who have to wade through these endless pages without succumbing to irritation. Yes, irritation, nothing less! Imagine their mood by the tenth page, when your once-bright critical thinking has completely lost its shine... Do you really want to go there?
So, the question is simple:
Are you really ready to submit your Master’s?
Spoiler alert: There's still time to fix things. Well, a little.😃